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nice and cool.
July 14. I had telephoned to Mr. [[red underline]] Day [[/red underline]] of University Club who came aboard this morning and we left about 11 A.M [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Southerly wind went Northward so it felt rather warm until we dropped anchor before [[red underline]] West- point [[/red underline]] on opposite side near Garrison. Shortly after a 100 foot power yacht [[red underline]] "Shrewsbury" [[/red underline]] dropped anchor alongside. Our stove was obstructed so we had to be satisfied with cold supper, which was however much appreciated
Albert and James slept on cots in cock pit provided with side curtains which proves an excellent shelter.
July 16 (Sunday). Up early ^[[Noisy trains]] gray weather but pleasant as it hides the sun. Got up early
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about 5:30 A.M and went out in little dinghy to which we had attached an [[red underline]] Evinrude [[/red underline]] outside motor.
After leisurely breakfast got up anchor about 10.AM. arrived at Yonkers Dock about 3:40 P.M
Southern Breeze. Lost much time floating around in Tappan Zee while taking lunch. [[red underline]] Day [[/red underline]] left us in Yonkers
On arriving home found [[red underline]] Mrs. Baskerville and her son. [[/red underline]] We drove them home before supper.- [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] is in Philadelphia. Hot weather and sultry.
July 17. Sultry. Found much accumulated mail. Started dictating till it was all cleared up. One hour for Royal Baking Powder Co.
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July 18. Motored to New York with Celine and Mrs. Sarton