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[[symbol circle with cross on top in upper left corner]]
sheet for [[red underline]] first half year [[/red underline]] shows about [[red underline]] $200,000 so an extra dividend is declared. [[/red underline]] Trolley strike has spread to New York 
Took room at University Club. Splendid cool dry weather in New York.
[[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] Aug. 4. Went to Brooklyn. Then [[red underline]] Paulus tells me he thinks of leaving, [[/red underline]] so immediately phoned to [[red underline]] Porter [[/red underline]] and joined him for lunch to talk over matters. My impression is that even if  [[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] gets higher salary he will leave some time later on on account of petty quarrels with Heidenhain. Charge 7 hours and $3.00 for taxicab to Royal. Evening at Club.
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 7 hs and $3.00 ! [[/symbol and annotation]]
[[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] Aug. 5. Very hot and sultry. Albert came to fetch me with car at University Club and drove me to [[red underline]] dentist [[/red underline]] then to American
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[[red underline]] Yacht Club mooring. [[/red underline]] Most of afternoon spent in trying to start engine, then found it was defective connection, [[red underline]] then water taken in. [[/red underline]] Evening went navigating [[strikethrough]] thr [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Southwards [[/red underline]] and dropped anchor near [[red underline]] City Island. [[/red underline]] took supper at restaurant.
[[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] 
Aug 6 (Sunday) Calm [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] ^[[weather]] but very hot. went cruising to [[red underline]] Huntington Bay [[/red underline]] for the breeze. Delightfully cool towards evening. quiet night anchored near [[red underline]] Belden Point. [[/red underline]] 
[[strikethrough]] Apr [[/strikethrough]] 
Aug 7. Went to Manhasset Bay after inspecting City Island shelter. got in [[red underline]] 40 gallons [[/red underline]] of gasoline and ice from a 
houseboat -- gasoline store anchored permanently in [[red underline]] Manhasset Bay. [[/red underline]] 
While we were at anchor Johnson at once called out [[red underline]] "A shark! [[/red underline]] I looked up but it was gone. He tells me that he [[red underline]] swam near our rowboat and [[/red underline]] by the unusual size [[red underline]] of his fin [[/red underline]]