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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
while driving to Yonkers. [[red underlined]] George [[/red underlined]] much better and [[red underlined]] took supper with us. [[/red underlined]] My bed room in hands of paper hangers. Spare room stuffed. Violent electric storms and violent rain. Fuse of electric lighting burnt out by lightning so had to use gas lamps and candles. Some unpleasant letters too. [[red underlined]] How much quieter on board Cygnet. - and what unnecessary complications. [[/red underlined]]
Aug 9. Bright cool weather. Drove with [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] to New York. then to Durkee, then to Brooklyn [[red underlined]] Paulus has changed his mind [[/red underlined]] and will stay. 
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 4 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Then to buy [[red underlined]] two vases with Celine [[/red underlined]] as present for anniversary of our wedding. She had to go to Yonkers I stayed
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
at University Club for ^[[sup]]
[[black underlined]] Aug 10 [[/black underlined]] Busy irritating forenoon. Telephone calls right and left. Unpleasant letters to answer and nobody here to [[strikethrough]] di [[/strikethrough]] typewrite them. [[red underlined]] Weston [[/red underlined]] asks me to go to New York and see him. I suspect some unpleasant news [[red underlined]] Hang it all. - Why cannot I have my vacation undisturbed? [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Went to New York [[/strikethrough]] Took lunch at Vanderbilt Hotel with [[red underlined]] Dr. Weston [[/red underlined]] who had come purposely from Newark to inform me that [[red underlined]] Wiechman [[/red underlined]] is hanging around Delco plant and the he fears that such a gambler or promoter as [[red underlined]] Durant [[/red underlined]] may use him as a pretext for [[strikethrough]] launching [[/strikethrough]] 

Transcription Notes:
Instructions say to use the word 'underlined' in brackets when words are underlined in text. Seems appropriate because indicates past tense.