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[[written vertically in red in left margin]] Industrial Journal [[/marginal entry]]
of [[underlined in red]] our Industrial Journal and will resign his professorship at the University of North Carolina [[/underlined in red]] and intends to move to New York to devote his time and energies to the Journal. All this was transacted and voted upon with such a [[underlined in red]] splendid spirit as to make meeting very impressive. This is the first meeting of the Council at which I ever participated and where I went home happy and without misgivings at to the unbusinesslike spirit of our Councellors. [[/underlined in red]] A new [[Eon?]] of [[strikethrough]] prosperity and [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] greater usefulness of our Society [[strikethrough]] is in sight. [[/strikethrough]] will begin by a better development of our Journal [[/underlined in red]] of [[strikethrough]] Applied [[/strikethrough]] Industrial Chemistry.
Sept 28. Busy at home most of [[strikethrough]] day. [[/strikethrough]] Morning went to Arbor Hotel to register for [[underlined in red]] Am. Electrochemical Society [[/underlined in red]] and entered into meeting room for a few moments
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[hash mark in in top left corner]]
then to Lunch arranged by [[underlined in red]] Saunders [[/underlined in red]] 2d ^[[vice]] chairman of [[underlined in red]] Naval Board - at India House where [[/underlined in red]] I found assembled representatives of different engineering societies also [[underlined in red]] Herty, Parsons, Matthews [[/underlined in red]] from the Chemists
It was proposed and accepted to make a [[underlined in red]] federation of Engineers, representing delegates of all the Societies so as in the future to direct and educate governmental matters relating to engineering and chemistry and of public interest, so as to prevent ignorance or ill will of politicians to hamper the efficiency of this [[/underlined in red]] nation. [[strikethrough]] Then [[/strikethrough]]
[[margin]] # 3 hs. [[/margin]]
Then I joined [[underlined in red]] Elon Hooker, [[/underlined in red]] his brother [[underlined in red]] Albert [[/underlined in red]] and Townsend at Biltmore Hotel where I spent about 3 hours discussing [[underlined in red]] Soy Bean [[/underlined in red]] and 

Transcription Notes:
Instructions say to use the word 'underlined' in brackets when words are underlined in text. Seems appropriate because indicates past tense.