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similar pending projects. Felt [[underlined in red]] same irritation at the vaqueness [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] of subject and [[strikethrough]] loss of t [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] unnecessary loss of time at [[/underlined in red]] these meetings. [[underlined in red]] Townsend [[/underlined in red]] repeats my views to [[underlined in red]] Willard [[/underlined in red]] Hooker that their exhibit at the Chemical Exposition is [[underlined in red]] unworthy of the attempt. [[/underlined in red]] There is undoubdetly [[underlined in red]] something lacking in that Hooker Co. [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] Every so [[/strikethrough]] Hurried supper with [[underlined in red]] Townsend [[/underlined in red]] talking over pending Patent matters then to [[underlined in red]] smoker of American Electrochemical Society [[/underlined in red]] which was a flat failure, altho' it cost over a thousand Dollars. Committee undoubdetly has not prepared. Came home tired.
[[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] again in bed with sore throat.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Sept- [[strikethrough]] Oct [[/strikethrough]] 29. Early in New York at Engineers building. Session of [[underlined in red]] Nitrate Committee A. A. Noyes Presiding. George Ellery Hale [[/underlined in red]] just returned from Europe, present, also [[underlined in red]] Pupin, Elihu Thomson, Whitney, Gana Dunn and Prof Lewis. also Landis [[/underlined in red]] of Cyanamid Co and [[underlined in red]] Edgar of Dupont De Nemours [[/underlined in red]] Powder Co who made each their statements as to the processes they represent. [[underlined in red]] Well conducted meeting. [[/underlined in red]] and two opposing interests were courteous and frank towards each other Evening was the [[underlined in red]] Banquet Celine and Nina [/underlined in red]] there. Very successful and good speeches. All at Banquet Room of Waldorf Astoria
[[strikethrough Sept 29 [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] September 30 [[underlined]] [[/underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] better Much dictating and

Transcription Notes:
Instructions say to use the word 'underlined' in brackets when words are underlined in text. Seems appropriate because indicates past tense.