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a side bay called I believe the [[underlined in red]] Back Creek, [[/underlined in red]] but it is not a creek. Several motor boats tied parallel to each other before a float just in front of residences 
So I left Johnson in charge in this quiet place. Bullard drove me [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] to station and took occasion to show me the town. Houses are modest in appearance but [[underlined in red]] cost of living is undoubdetly less [[/underlined in red]] here than in New York or Philadelphia or Washington and there are plenty of quiet pleasant streets with residence facilities which would appeal to research men.
At [[underlined in red]] Baltimore [[/underlined in red]] went to hear "Boheme" [[strikethrough]] of a [[/strikethrough]] traveling opera Company - highest cost of best seats $1.00 and with all [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] very good performance. Night train [[underlined in red]] to New York. [[/underlined in red]]
Oct 13. Went to register for election
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[[symbol in top left margin]] # [[/symbol]]
but refused to enrol in any of the established political parties for next primaries. [[underlined in red]] I have no [[sympathy?]] with any of the so called political parties - they are all equally partisan and narrow minded. [[/underlined in red]] 
A strenuous day dictating letters [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] 
Evening Celine [[strikethrough]] and I [[/strikethrough]] drove with me to New York to see a play called "Turn to the right" - Very well played. Then to night train again for [[underlined in red]] Washington [[/underlined in red]]
Oct 14. Spent all morning with Townsend discussing pending patent matters and [[underlined in red]] Nikolas - Condensite [[/underlined in red]] situation also about one hour for Hooker Electrochemical research. 
[[symbol and note in left margin]] # 1 h [[/marginal symbol and note]]
Saw the newly devised [[underlined in red]] rotary spiral chlorinator for the manufacture of monochlorbenzal. 
Then at [[underlined in red]] Cosmos Club. Oscar T. Crosby [[/underlined in red]] tells me about his hesitations in accepting [[underlined in red]] commissionership for [[strikethrough]] Mercha [[/strikethrough]] National Merchant [[/underlined in red]] 

Transcription Notes:
Instructions say to use the word 'underlined' in brackets when words are underlined in text. Seems appropriate because indicates past tense.