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[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]]
1st Florida Cruise [[/vertical annotation]]
or in fact most Eastern places. [[red underline]] People [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] here are not afraid of being polite. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Norfolk [[/red underline]] a very animated City. Unusual numbers of sailors and Bluejackets in the streets.
A place called [[red underline]] Ghent [[/red underline]] a newly developed elegant center with a canal and stone quay for yachts all very pretty 
Developed by [[red underline]] a dutch Real Estate Co. [[/red underline]] Manager is Mr. Mathieu, a dutchman who tells me the name Ghent existed before they took up the development and they concluded to maintain it.
[[strikethrough]] The man of [[/strikethrough]] Gas Engine & Boat Corporation foot of first street Atlantic City - [[red underline]] Norfolk [[/red underline]] (are Thompson and Curtis) Their gas engine expert is Craig.
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Went to see a photoplay, but felt dead tired so went to bed early.
I have had three excellent days of vacation with [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] who seemed to enjoy them as much as I did.- [[red underline]] We felt again like happy children. She is as unusual woman, sometimes I can not imagine that we both have grown old together [[/red underline]] - she is so full of life and cheerfulness and withall so full of high aims and ideals. I wonder whether our children realize what an exceptional mother they have
[[strikethrough]] Oct 19 [[/strikethrough]]
[[black underline]] Oct 21. [[/black underline]]
Splendid weather. Early on board. Engine behaves very well now that we know what is required. Passed  Portsmouth Navy Yard. The [[red underline]] battleships Louisiana and Florida in. [[/red underline]] Rather more crowded quarters than in