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side. [[underlined]] Celine has to climb [[/underlined]] out, on door.  Fortunately and miraculously [[underlined]] nobody hurt. [[/underlined]] I cannot blame Albert because he is a very cautious driver and this is his first accident since he is in my service.  I [[underlined]] shudder [[/underlined]] to think what [[underlined]] might have happened to dear Celine but for our usual good luck. [[/underlined]] On [[underlined]] what [[trifles?]] depend our happiness!
Dec. 10. [[/underlined]] A restful day at home.  Beautiful calm sunny weather.  Evening [[underlined]] Celine [[/underlined]] went with me to hear Dr. Elmsdorf lecture on Egypt at Carnegie Hall. - I have a cold in the head.
Dec 11. Busy day - Afternoon drove to [[underlined]] Hasslmches[[guess]] [[/underlined]] to tell him about present conditions of Bakelite Co and what I have done thus far. Cold is worse. [[underlined]] Celine [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] gone [[/strikethrough]] held meeting of
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[[underlined]] Prospect House [[/underlined]] here. I went to bed early so as not to have to talk. Today letter and consultation over telephone for Royal Baking Powder Co. Charge 1 h.
[[margin]] + 0 1 h. [[/margin]]
Dec 12. A very busy morning dictating letter to [[underlined]] Broderick of British Embassy telling him just [[/underlined]] received word from London that [[underlined]] embargo [[/underlined]] against us is [[underlined]] not yet removed [[/underlined]]  Lent copy of my letter to E H Hooker so that he may explain matter [[underlined]] to Osborne one of his engineers in Niagara whose brother is secretary of Embassy [[strikethrough]] At [[/strikethrough]]  Celine [[/underlined]] and myself went to lunch [[strikethrough]] orgo [[/strikethrough]] of League for Political Education organized by Erskine Ely.  [[underlined]] Powys, [[/underlined]] the english literateur there. - [[underlined]] seems rather affected [[/underlined]] or a little off like most of the literateurs.  Son of [[strikethrough]] Tolstoi [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Tolstoi [[/underlined]] there too; [[strikethrough]] l whic [[/strikethrough]] with his [[underlined]] long white beard, [[/underlined]] deep set eyes and dome shaped