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Jan 4. Here all day. busily engaged in clearing up my correspondence. Eveng went to [[underlined]] ^ [[insert]] Belgian [[/insert]] Charity Ball at Amachanin Club organized by Celine [[/underlined]] for the [[underlined]] Belgian [[/underlined]] military hospital at [[underlined]] Las Parne. [[/underlined]] A very distinguished gathering. Hudson car again in commission.
Jan 5. Gloomy rainy day. Busy all day dictating letters etc.
Jan 6. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough Go Chemists Club for lunch. Then to University Club with [[underlined]] Horta. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] For my [[/strikethrough]] From conversations with belgian refugees and other foreigners I [[underlined]] more and more to the conclusion what absolutely erroneous ideas all of them have about the spirit and tendencies and real condition of the United States. [[/underlined]] In fact
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they [[underlined]] are unable to grasp the psychology of the American mind, nor to [[strikethrough]] grasp [[strikethrough]] understand american points of view and in most instances have the most absurd ideas about american institutions [[/underlined]] american men, women etc. [[strikethrough]] Sometimes [[/strikethrough]] Most of the time it is almost impossible to make them understand the real situation. They are always ready to lose themselves in [[underlined]] hasty generalizations. [[/underlined]] or to [[underlined]] draw conclusions [[/underlined]] from an european point of view
Jan 7 1917 (Sunday). [[strikethrough]] At home. [[/strikethrough]] At home [[strikethrough]] Jan 8 [[/strikethrough]] eveng went to University Club.
Jan 8. At home.
Jan 9. Here all day. except on evenig went to University Club where I had invited [[underlined]] Horta [[/underlined]] to meet Arthur [[underlined]] A. Jackson [[/underlined]] the architect.

Transcription Notes:
Instructions say to use the word 'underlined' in brackets when words are underlined in text. Seems appropriate because indicates past tense.