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Society. Mrs. [[red underlined]] Vincent Astor [[/red underlined]] present, also her mother and two other ladies but her husband was absent. She is a tall vivacious blonde with rosy cheeks and blue eyes, slightly tilted nose seems very svelte and vivacious. They tell me she is much interested in [[red underlined]] immigration [[/red underlined]] problems hence this reunion. because she has been led to think that the engineers of the country may help to bring about the revolt of better conditions of [[red underlined]] the immigrant. [[/red underlined]] After dinner went to Picture Gallery, where everybody smoking, speeches were made on the subject. Mrs. Astor and other ladies listening.
Unfortunately most of the [[red underlined]] speakers spoke of everything except the subject itself and 
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[[red underlined]] all this in a rather dry way. [[/red underlined]] Most of them spoke about [[red underlined]] preparedness, [[/red underlined]] and very little about the immigrant. [[red underlined]] Pupin [[/red underlined]] made an exception.
Jan 20. Feel better than yesterday. [[red underlined]] Thiller [[/red underlined]] for supper to tell me about an invention in which he wants to use sounds produced in phongraph cylinders so as to play the system as on organ instead of using pipes or strings and so as to include every range of sounds including human voice. [[red underlined]] Wanted my advice whether he should patent [[/red underlined]] it
Eveng [[red underlined]] Easton [[/red underlined]] came here to stay until Monday. He tells me his living expenses are $300 per month but he has managed to add additional revenues to what [[red underlined]] Harvard pays him [[/red underlined]] for his lectures, but he says this