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tells me that the company treats [[red underline]] its chemists very well and pays them from 10% [[/red underline]] to 20% on all savings they introduce.  He tells me that [[Corney?]] since he is in the service has had during the last years as much as [[red underline]] 200000$ [[/red underline]].
[[red underline]] Lloyd [[/red underline]] who is their balistic engineer traveled [[red underline]] with me to New York [[/red underline]]. I arrived there just in time to go to reception of [[strikethrough]] Marechal [[/strikethrough]] the [[red underline]] french war commission to which I [[/red underline]] had been invited by [[red underline]] Mayor Mitchell [[/red underline]] as one of the four [[red underline]] representative chemists the others being Chandler, Nichols, Mathews and Herty. [[/red underline]] The City [[red underline]] Hall [[/red underline]] was packed.  [[red underline]] Viviane [[/red underline] spoke in french and was much applauded but [[red underline]] Joffre [[/red underline]] who said nothing but "Thank you" and made
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the gest of kissing all won the greatest enthusiasm.
The [[red underline]] Marseillaise [[/red underline]] was played outside, the school of children sang it, throngs of people, militia men in uniform. All streets filled with [[red underline]] american french and british flags. [[/red underline]]
[[red underline]] Chandler [[/red underline]] took me back to University Club in a horse-cab. Evening there were great throngs in [[red underline]] Fifth Avenue which was illuminated. [[/red underline]] -- tasteful decorations.  Everything dignified but cheerful. [[strikethrough]] Left with midnight train for [[/strikethrough]] Stayed at [[strikethrough]] chemists [[/strikethrough]] University Club
May 10. Left for [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]] with 10 A.M train. Stayed at Cosmos Club [[red underline]] all hotels over-filled; difficult to find [[/red underline]] accommodation.  Met W.H. [[red underline]] Nichols [[/red underline]] who is charged with supply of chemicals for Board of Munitions he [[red underline]] tells me [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]]