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hand [[red underline]] [[convector?]] cell has given only 42% yield. [[/red underline]]
  Stokes and Peter feel confident that these experiments in vacccuum still of Duriron have shown that [[red underline]] lactide [[/red underline]] can be manufactured [[red underline]] industrially [[/red underline]] but now are busy discussing a practical method for making pure [[red underline]] [[luetic?]] acid. [[/red underline]] Told [[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] to concentrate full attention to get [[red underline]] oxelic plant going [[/red underline]] regularly and continuously.
  Supper at University Club, took supper with [[red underline]] Colonel Brown. [[/red underline]] U.S. Cavallery, a West-Point graduate who has been in active military service since many years, made the [[red underline]] first topographical [[/red underline]] maps of [[red underline]] Washington State [[/red underline]] at a time when in some of these sections [[red underline]] no while man [[/red underline]] had ever penetrated.
  [[strikethrough]] Told he [[/strikethrough]] Reminded us of some 

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of his early experiences in the early seventies during [[red underline]] Indian Wars etc. [[/red underline]] also was in Philipines, Cuba etc.
  Colonel Elliot and [[red underline]] Samuel Hill [[/red underline]] with us for supper.  Afterwards went to room of [[red underline]] Sam Hill [[/red underline]] and there the latter told us of his early experience in life in the [[red underline]] North West, [[/red underline]] then his work in building roads and as the right hand man of his [[red underline]] father-in-law, [[/red underline]] James J. Hill.  How when [[red underline]] J. J. Hill was ill before the died Sam explained to him [[/red underline]] that he forsaw [[red underline]] sure defeat of the Allies when congestion of railroads and general transportation across  [[/red underline]] Manchuria and Siberia could be relieved more particularly how Trans-siberian R.R. had to be operated with considerably greater efficiency, then told of his rush trip across Japan