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[[red underlined]] have already left [[/red underlined]] and are now in the different [[red underlined]] volunteer corps. [[/red underlined]] The others do their military training here.  To day there is no drill the commanding officer being absent for a day.  We took lunch at [[red underlined]] George's fraternity house. [[/red underlined]] There [[red underlined]] are only about a dozen students left. [[/red underlined]] Afterwards went on a visit to [[red underlined]] Bancroft's. [[/red underlined]] Professor [[red underlined]] Bancroft [[/red  underlined]] was not in and could not be located but Mrs. Bancroft was there.  Afterwards went to visit Professor [[/red underlined]] Willem Hendrick Van Loon. [[/red underlined]] Then eveng George had supper with us at hotel.  All feel very tired so went to bed early.
June 3. (Sunday) Up early. Sunny day. [[red underlined]] George [[/red underlined]] around hotel early.  Took breakfast with us. [[red underlined]] Looks healthy and cheerful.  Would so much like to go with us but has to grind his exam today so as to make [[/red underlined]]

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[[red underlined]] up for lost time.  A last look at him - a tear in the eyes of Celine we do not look at each other. - What is there in store for us? [[/red underlined]]
I took the wheel and ran car at a brisk gait. [[red underlined]] Makes me forget while I am dodging the road. [[/red underlined]] Pretty soon ran at 40 miles.  We left Ithaca at 9 [[underlined]] 10 [[/underlined]] . AM. were at Binghamton at 11 [[underlined]] 00 [[/underlined]] . AM. There took a new road over Liberty and Roscoe.  splendid road along mountains and rivers and forests with big [[strikethrough]] Rhodona [[/strikethrough]] wild Rhodondendrons along the road.  Tried to stop over night at Monticello but could not find a good hotel so we went over Ellenville to [[red underlined]] Yama Farms Inn. [[/red underlined]] of which my former neighbor [[red underlined]] Frank [[Lenman?]] is [[/red underlined]] the proprietor.  This is a [[red underlined]] rich man's fancy.  [[Lenman?]] [[/red underlined]] himself lives there in a luxurious log - cabin his guest is a