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[[underline]] were on the point of recognizing [[/underline]] the Southern Confederacy and [[underline]] seemed to have scant [[/underline]] sympathy for [[underline]] the cause of the North [[/underline]] Left at about 3 P.M., thru York, and Columbus. Young soldier, handsome looking chap, asks me to let him come in my car. He wants to go to Columbus [[scribble]] to watch the bridge over the Susquehanna. [[underline]] Has enlisted in regular army nearly three years ago.[[/underline]] His time for honorable discharge almost arrived, but [[underline]] wants to reenlist for the war [[/underline]] altho' he [[underline]] has every right to be exempt of further [[/underline]] service. Beautiful rolling fertile country. All farms. Towards 6 P.M. arrive at [[underline]] Lancaster.[[/underline]] Awful looking place, quite a large town

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Stopped at Hotel Stevens.  Excellent hotel.  Courteous service, good meals excellent room with bath for which room they only charge me $2.00.  [[strikethrough]] But it is [[/strikethrough]] Quite warm weather.
[[left margin]] 560 miles. [[/left margin]] 
took 8 gallons gasoline.  Left Lancaster at 10 A.M.
[[left margin]] July 24 [[/left margin]] 
A succession of pike roads and toll gates.  [[strikethrough]] Roads cost [[/strikethrough]] which toll has to be paid ranging from 18¢ to 25¢.  At the [[underline]] Lancaster [[/underline]] and Williamstown turn Pike road (S. H. Reynolds ??) a stretch of road has been [[strikethrough]] fearly [[/strikethrough]] fearfully covered with fresh tar instead of sprinkling successive layers, or sprinkling half the road at the time, the whole road has but flooded with the black liquid to the great detriment of bespattered motor car and with risk of skidding.  Finally reached [[underline]] Coatesville [[/underline]]