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then all back at their hotel before dark, then returned to Yonkers.
Aug 12. (Sunday) [[strikethrough]] George [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] away at Middlebrooks. It is a lovely cool clear day. [[red underline]] Celine, George [[/red underline]] and myself drove away in little Oldsmobile without chauffeur at about 10 A.M. Lovely weather, and perfect roads.[[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] drove going between 35 and 45 miles. Flat tire at [[underlined in red]] Albany [[/underlined in red]] arrived at [[underlined in red]] Saratoga [[/underlined in red]] at 5:30 P.M. The United States Hotel, is an old time hotel still very pretentious. Lovely tall elms in back yard. [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] looks strong and bronzed by the sun.
Aug 13. Left after lunch after walking thru little town. Nothing of special interest. This is the old resort of politicians and race-track followers and
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gamblers. They charged me for our three $35.00 a day for our board and two rather simple rooms! Roads continue excellent we arrived about 3 P.M at Lake George. No room in principal hotel, so we drove along [[underlined in red]] Lake. George [[/underlined in red]] seems restless not desirous of trying our luck at a smaller hotel. [[underlined in red]] so they both went back by train 5. P.M. Celine sprained her ankle, [[/underlined in red]] I hope it will not be serious. Put her on train and wired to Albany for roller chair in case she may need it 
I stayed over night at little Inn near lake, "Parkside Inn". Beautiful view from my room. Excellent supper. Afterwards could watch sunset on Lake 
Canoeists, little boats, girls in bathing suit, all pretty sights [[underlined in red]] sorry Celine had to leave. [[/underlined in red]]
Aug 14. Early up next morning. Threatening