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rant near Harmon, where some other automobilists, mostly women stopped. Miss Anthony makes an excellent impression, is simple and has good manners and the fact that she is pretty does not seem to have spoiled her. She seems very sincere and modest. I wish [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] could have some of her pleasant manners. She looks more like a child and I imagine that her tact must have helped her much since she had to make her own living by the strength of her skill in designing wearing apparel. - What an object lesson for all the impudent frivolous girls who know nothing and have no responsibilities.
Went to chemists club for
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supper then to train for [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]]
Sept 22. Nice cool weather.
The member of the board were invited to witness landing of that big [[red underline]] Italian airplane carrying 9 passengers besides the pilot making 10 in all [[/red underline]].
Landing on lawn of Potomac Park, public kept at distance by soldiers so as to keep lawn clear. Met there some of our [[red underline]] aviation officers, also Secretary Lane, the Italian Ambassador a very pleasant man, [[/red underline]] looks more like an Englishman. Several Italian officers, a french officer Captain Maurice [[red underline]] Tabuteau, [[/red underline]] a well known aviator [[strikethrough]] now here [[/strikethrough]] of the french army. Beautiful ideal weather. First came one airplane with two men, manoeuvered and alighted gracefully. The Italian pilot had his barometer