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Additional buildings are being constructed.  [[red underline]] Seems like a busy bee-hive. [[\red underline]]  Great number of departments all being on separate subjects.  [[red underline]] Well equipped laboratories have been rapidly [[\red underline]] improvised and used soon as [[red underline]] many chemists it can [[\red underline]] contain.  Study of [[red underline]] masks [[\red underline]] and materials of absorption finals[[?]] of mask.  Study of new poisonous gases, their manufacture and their effects.  another building contains [[red underline]] dogs [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] rats [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] mice [[\red underline]] for trials.  Many of the chemists are [[red underline]] in uniform. [[\red underline]]  Some of the [[red underline]] glassblowers [[\red underline]] are drafted men whose trade was [[red underline]] glassblowing [[\red underline]] and who have been sent here.
Outside also tests made

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of [[red underline]] incendiary bombs, [[\red underline]] etc.  Saw men [[red underline]] drilling in masks. [[\red underline]]  After they had removed these masks found they were [[red underline]] all chemists [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] knew me. [[\red underline]]
Were officers of different university regiments [[red underline]] practising [[\red underline]] use of mask [[red underline]] so as to go and drill [[\red underline]] others.  Then went to see a comp of [[red underline]] regular [[\red underline]] near by.
Soldiers are in [[red underline]] covered tents of plastic-canvass. [[\red underline]]  It is rather [[red underline]] cold so they all have [[\red underline]] a covered sheet [[red underline]] steel stove [[\red underline]] with 3" stove pipe which gives their apex.  [[red underline]] Eight cots in one tent. [[\red underline]]  Seems cozy and comfortable.  They say they [[red underline]] prefer it to barracks. [[\red underline]]
Evening [[red underline]] Durant [[\red underline]] came to me at Cosmos Club and repeats is willing to undertake committee in [[red underline]] standardisation of aviation fuel. [[\red underline]]