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in [[red underline]] locating submarines. [[\red underline]]
[[crossed out]] This is the first time I [[\crossed out]]
[[red underline]] Since Nov 1.  Cosmos Club cannot serve alcoholic drinks. [[\red underline]]  I note that there are [[red underline]] few visitors [[\red underline]] and that bells [[red underline]] are not ringing [[\red underline]] as heretofore.
Night train to New York.

Nov 4 (Sunday)
A quiet Sunday at home.

Nov 5
Early to New York to meeting [[red underline]] Board of Directors. [[\red underline]]  It looks as if our taxes for company will be about [[red underline]] $80000 or over [[\red underline]] of which I pay more [[red underline]] than half in addition to my personal taxes. [[\red underline]]
After meeting went to [[red underline]] Washburn's [[\red underline]] office and told him about [[red underline]] ammonium nitrate situation [[\red underline]] as I see it and urge him regardless

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of personal or commercial matters to do what he can to prepare for the ammonium nitrate shortage which is in sight.
Took 3P.M train to Yonkers where I started dictating belated letters.
[[red underline]] I want a vacation - or at least a radical change of surroundings, everything begun to irritate me and nothing interests me any more. [[red underline]]  When I begin to think of [[red underline]] George matters get worse. [[\red underline]] 
I shall try to board my [[red underline]] Cygnet [[\red underline]] [[crossed out]] Have gone [[\crossed out]] for a couple of weeks [[red underline]] and forget for a while of all my worries [[\red underline]] and come back with fresh ardour.
Told to Albert to get ready to leave.

Nov 6
[[red underline]] Election day. [[\red underline]]   A busy day dictating and arranging for cruise of [[red underline]] Cygnet [[\red underline]]