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everything in that direction. Excellent smooth driving road. Further down a flat stretch of shoreland is being drained as canal is being dredged from deep water of Biscayne Bay and buildings are being erected for an [[red underline]] aviation station for U.S. Government. [[/red underline]] Afterwards went for lunch to the Halcyon Hotel where the delegates of the Deep Water Convention have gathered. They want a deep water channel with the sea a deeper canal connecting Lake [[?Ochenobee]] and an Inland waterway of at least seven feet draft between Miami and Boston.
[[red underline]] How simple all this would be if a system of compulsory service [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] of one year were introduced in the US whereby every young man [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] or woman before obtaining the right to vote should give one years service to his country. [[/red underline]] (See my article in the [[red underline]] World's Work, November [[/red underline]] 1916 on this subject). Came abroad in the afternoon. Steering gear is mended now. Then an excellent supper, after which Albert went ashore and [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and myself remained on deck till [[red underline]] late, admiring [[/red underline]] beautiful moon in star lit [[strikethrough]] heaven [[/strikethrough]] sky and unusual surrounding. [[red underline]] A blissful evening. [[/red underline]]
Nov. 29. Up with rising sun. Another beautiful sunny day. Went out a long newly dredged channel out past the light house into the [[red underline]] Ocean [[/red underline]] thru the jetty and went Eastward for about one mile past the breakers so as to have the sensation of the big ocean swells, but [[red underline]] Celine does not like this much so we [[/red underline]] re-

Transcription Notes:
Dr. Baekeland may be referring to "Lake Okeechobee."