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of refraction.  He showed me around his lab and tells me he that with one of the apparatus which was out of order now he succeeds in making [[red underline]] nitrogen phosphorescent for several minutes, suggested he should use N + H and see whether there is union and formation of NH3 which might give a new way for synthesis. [[/red underline]] Also use air and submit to same electrical action to see whether he can produce any [[red underline]] oxides of N. [[/red underline]] Then to [[strikethrough]] Che [[/strikethrough]] Century Club for supper then to Chemists Club.  [[red underline]] Perkin Medal Evening. [[red underline]] [[double red underline]] Auguste Rossi [[/double red underline]] [[red underline]] has medal this year for [[/red underline]] his work on Titanium. Not many attendants
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[[red underline]] Chandler ill, so W. H. Nichols [[/red underline]] presented the medal. Speeches not very interesting. After the meeting there was the first organisation meeting of [[red underline]] N.Y. Section of Society Chimie Industrielle  
I was elected present [[/red underline]] 
Among charter members I find great number of German names, mostly Alsacians but some like [[red underline]] H.A. Metz and Dr. Beckers look suspicious [[/red underline]] to me.
Jan 19. I stayed at University Club last night.  Since yesterday we are in [[red underline]] enforced "holidays" proclaimed by Dr. Garfield [[/red underline]] so as to be able to move freight [[red underline]] and supply ships with coal. All factories shut down [[/red underline]] except by special permit for urgent purposes.
[[red underline]] Naval Board meeting [[/red underline]] down town at Park Row,