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instead of in Washington [[red underline]] traveling being so difficult nowadays. [[/red underline]]
Admired excellent organization of our secretaries ^[[Robins]] office where all inventions are first submitted and examined before deciding whether they [[strikethrough]] shall be submit [[/strikethrough]] are important enough to be submitted further to members of our board 
After meeting went with [[red underline]] Thayer [[/red underline]] to University Club at 9 PM Memorial Meeting in honor of [[red underline]] Choate [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] at Century Club where he was president when he died. Most members present. [[red underline]] Root [[/red underline]] the new president made first address, in a rather hoarse almost
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inaudible ^[[husky]] voice. One cannot avoid [[red underline]] getting the impression of a fox, as he has been frequently caricatured. [[/red underline]] His whole speech [[strikethrough]] then came Roo [[/strikethrough]] rather subdued as if he were imparting great secrets to a limited audience. ^[[Theodore]] [[red underline]] Roosevelt [[/red underline]] quite different rather jerky but well articulated speech, falling once in a while in a [[red underline]] falsetto [[/red underline]] tone. His speech was short, very interesting and witty, mostly personal reminiscences. Gave us some interesting details of happenings [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in [[red underline]] Canada [[/red underline]] during the [[red underline]] Alaska Boundary [[/red underline]] arbitration and the rather irritating way of [[red underline]] Canadian [[/red underline]] politicians. Then [[red underline]] Stetson [[/red underline]] spoke about