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in conjunction with ethyl-alcohol, also in conjunction with benzol + ethyl alcohol. 
Lunch at [[red underline]] Mrs. Deeds [[/red underline]] Lieutenant [[red underline]] Vezzani [[/red underline]] of Italian Army there too 
Evening [[red underline]] dedication of Engineers Club Building by Deeds and Kettering [[/red underline]] donors. Preceded by informal supper. Very crowded room but good naturedness everywhere. sat next to [[red underline]] Kettering, Sperry [[/red underline]] on my right [[red underline]] Deeds [[/red underline]] next at head of table on his left [[red underline]] Carthy [[/red underline]] in front of me [[red underline]] Governor Cox and Orville Wright. [[/red underline]] A cheerful good natured, kind hearted crowd. Afterwards formal exercises. [[red underline]] Deeds and Kettering [[/red underline]] spoke modestly and simply. [[red underline]] Carthy [[/red underline]] made the main address. [[red underline]] Orville [[/red underline]] 
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[[red underline]] Wright made one of his short  - one sentence speeches. Dr. Thompson [[/red underline]] President of Ohio State University spoke. [[strikethrough]] I was invited [[/strikethrough]] 
Was introduced to speak by [[red underline]] Kettering who offered me their first sample of Cyclohexane permanently put [[/red underline]] up in mahogany box, then I spoke.
Feb 3! Up early, and to laboratory. [[red underline]] Deeds and Midgley already [[/red underline]] there. showed me their curves of explosion of different fuels at high compression gasoline, kerosene, benzol etc. all show tendency to preignition and [[red underline]] "Knocking" [[/red underline]] and give curve as will drop at maximum
[[image showing a line curving up with double peaks at center before curving down again]]
showing explanation of "Knock" and limiting compression while cyclohexane even at