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We anchored [[red underline]] quite near [[\red underline]] the mouth of [[red underline]] New River [[\red underline]] behind the first bend. Quiet beautiful evening and restful night, cool and refreshing.
March 22. Up early. Sea as smooth as a mirror. Good barometer. Persuaded [[red underline]] Celine to let us take outside route. [[\red underline]] So lifted anchored, steered cautiously thru windings of shallow inlet, Albert on the bow to look at the color of the water, then [[red underline]] slowly over the bar! [[\red underline]] and we are out [[red underline]] in the ocean! [[\red underline]]  It is 5.30A.M. We follow [[red underline]] Southern Course [[\red underline]] at about one mile from shore. Splendid sight. calm and beautiful weather. I [[red underline]] feel like dancing around as a boy for [[\red underline]]
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[[red underline]] the joy of it. [[\red underline]]  We tow the dinghy and also [[strikethrough]] tra [[/strikethrough]] a long trawling line which reduces our speed considerably to eight miles. Later see Life Saving Station, wireless station, [[red underline]] Palm Beach [[\red underline]] Casino etc. all familiar sights and at 7:30 A M pass the Government cut. It has taken us 3 hours to make this run and [[red underline]] I am sorry it is over so soon. [[\red underline]] Saw an [[red underline]] American submarine manoeuvering with one of the patrols boats of the Naval Reserves. [[\red underline]]
Afterwards went trawling then [[red underline]] entered Miami harbor [[\red underline]] about noon and dropped anchor [[red underline]] before Club. [[\red underline]] Went to P.O. to get letters then ice and groceries.  Telegram from [[red underline]] Nina [[\red underline]] she [[red underline]] will arrive Tuesday. [[\red underline]]