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rather like winter here only first green buds and early magnolias 
Went to talk to [[red underline]] Townsend about Insulate Suit [[/red underline]] agreed on April 30th 
Then with [[red underline]] Brickenstein [[/red underline]] went to see [[red underline]] Newton Commissioner of Patents [[/red underline]] in regard to Evans & Co and other patent attorneys who [[red underline]] use name of Naval Consulting Board for their publicity [[/red underline]] He wants to take himself this matter before Department of Justice and Postmaster General but fears that little can be accomplished against them as they keep close to the edge of what the laws permit them to do 
Had a long talk with Dr. [[red underline]] Burgess [[/red underline]] of Bureau of Standards about [[red underline]] Capart [[/red underline]]
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Both concluded it useless to do anything contrary to Tardieu who dislikes [[red underline]] Capart [[/red underline]] but I went to see [[red underline]] de Cartier [[/red underline]] to take up his [[strikethrough]] hi [[/strikethrough]] case. [[red underline]] de Cartier [[/red underline]] says he has no action with present minister of war in Belgium but will try thru a certain [[red underline]] Bertrand [[/red underline]] who is a friend of his.
This night at Cosmos Club [[red underline]] Will Irwin [[/red underline]] gave a talk relating his personal experiences during the [[red underline]] Italian Retreat and explaining its cause and effect, insisting specially on all the German intrigue and underhand propaganda which [[/red underline]] had preceded the retreat. 
See his articles [[red underline]] in Saturday Evening Post. [[/red underline]]
April 9. It rains and rains since Yesterday. Called up Dr. Grinell Jones of [[red underline]] Tariff Commission [[/red underline]] to