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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
April 14 (Sunday) Returned to New York. Crowded train many soldiers on furlough from Southern Camps 
Went for supper University Club, whence Albert drove me home.
April 15 [[strikethrough]] A very busy day, dictating belated correspondence [[/strikethrough]] 
Went to N.Y to [[red underline]] preside directors meeting of G.B.Co [[/red underline]] everybody there but McNitt. Subscribed [[red underline]] $50000 to Liberty Loan [[/red underline]] with authority to increase to [[red underline]] $100000 [[/red underline]] if funds warrant it.
Lunch with [[red underline]] Porter. 
[[/red underline]] Charge 2 hours. Told him not to send me [[red underline]] checks for retainer [[/red underline]] 
[[annotation in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 2 hs. [[/symbol and annotation]]
He says it is such a small matter for them and he will feel easier whenever he calls me at the phone
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[[start page]]
[[vertical annotation in left margin wrapping around to top of page]] A certain Paul J. Fox came to see me at General Bakelite Co and tells me oxidation of [[red underline]] NH3 in Schenectady [[/red underline]] was in very imperfect condition and that [[red underline]] Charles Parsons hardly knew anything [[/red underline]] about subject and had spent very little time on it. 
[[/vertical annotation in left margin]]
but I told him I consider I can do [[red underline]] better service for Government if I am free from all other obligations. [[/red underline]] 
Afterwards went to [[red underline]] Columbia University [[/red underline]] participated in conference on [[red underline]] electric furnaces. [[/red underline]] which was led by one of graduate students.
Afterwards went to University Club and took supper at Century Club. 
[[strikethrough]] April 16 [[/strikethrough]] 
Met [[red underline]] Bosch-Reitz [[/red underline]] who has just been accepted as a member.
April 16. All day here in conference with [[red underline]] Townsend and Neave [[/red underline]] preparing brief for [[red underline]] General Insulate Suit [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] This evening bad news of [[red underline]] further advance of Germans on West Front [[/red underline]] part of Messines-Ridge taken Matters look serious. French

Transcription Notes:
Robert Joseph McNitt was director of General Bakelite Co. from 1917-1919.