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[[in left margin three red exclamation points]]
want to discourage enlisted men who are working hard at real war jobs and do not relish to see commission so difficult to obtain by them [[red underline]] lavished upon a lot of lawyers, pen-lickers, teachers and professors etc. I am certainly in sympathy with his attitude. Saunders tell me Professor Richards on request has resigned from the Naval Consulting Board because his son-in-law who lives in his house, is a German by birth [[/red underline]] and altho' he is a naturalized american citizen he has shown in several instances [[red underline]] that he favored the German cause. [[/red underline]] For instance he resigned his position at the Bethlehem Steel Works (before we

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entered the war) as soon as he knew that plant was making munitions against Germany.
[[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] awaited me at the station. Two very cheerful letters of [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] full of enthusiasm [[red underline]] for England and its clean civilized aspect, English speaking counties. Oatmeal, bacon etc etc  Everything is good in England because it is so much nearer home!  And he used to detest England not so long ago. x Now he seems supremely happy after his many months in Italy. [[/red underline]] [[left margin]]  X When he was a boy at Boarding School in Chislehurst 1906 [[/left margin\]] 
Oct 6 (Sunday) [[red underline]] More good news from the front. [[/red underline]]  German morale getting lower. Rumors that Germany wants to join Austria in Peace proposals but everybody