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has become so [[strikethrough]] min[[/strikethrough]] well aware of Germany's and Austria's unlimited perfidy that mistrust is the only result.  Home all day. [[red underline]] Another motor-less Sunday well observed. [[/red underline]]
Oct 7. Busy day dictating belated work,  [[red underline]] May tells me the factory has no damage whatsoever not even a single window pane broken [[/red underline]] from recent explosion.
Oct 8.  Here all day. busy with belated correspondence. Every day [[red underline]] additional good news from the Allies. My only [[/red underline]] apprehension is that the [[red underline]] rainy season in Flanders may soon stop operations [[/red underline]]. It very much [[red underline]] depends [[/red underline]] now whether good luck will

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[[red underline]] give them a relatively dry fall or whether the usual rainy weather will allow the Huns to retreat [[/red underline]] and intrench for the winter.  Rumors that Hindenburg has resigned. [[red underline]] General opinion:  [[strikethrough]] nos [[/strikethrough]] no deserving [[strikethrough]] peace [[/strikethrough]] offers from Germany for armistice only unconditional surrender and evacuation from Belgium and France before offers can be listened to. No second Brest-Livosk! [[/red underline]]
Oct 8. [[red underline]] Further successes of the Allies. Presidents short note of inquiry evidently meant to force Germany to show ^[[up]] her duplicity before [[?]] has appeared. [[/red underline]]
Oct 9.  Note of [[red underline]] President [[/red underline]] received with great satisfaction by most people.  Others like [[red underline]] Roosevelt, Lodge,[[/red underline]] etc. dissatisfied because it leaves [[red underline]] Germany a loophole to procrasti-[[/red underline]]