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orderly. [[underlined in red]] makes better impression than before women were admitted. [[/underlined in red]] Went to University Club. to follow election returns. [[underlined in red]] Lieut. Ackerman [[/underlined in red]] U.S.N. of the Intelligence Department, just returned from [[underlined in red]] Brasil [[/underlined in red]] tells me about a certain [[underlined in red]] Mr. Jungling an Annapolis man [[/underlined in red]] now stationed in [[underlined in red]] Rio de Janeiro [[/underlined in red]] who would be very suitable for locating [[underlined in red]] quartz in Brasil for the  Pupin supertonic apparatus. [[/underlined in red]] Also brought a certain Mr. A. T. [[underlined in red]] Ewell [[/underlined in red]] just returned from Brazil who [[underlined in red]] could [[/underlined in red]] be sent there to [[underlined in red]] gather quartz. [[/underlined in red]] Had a long conversation with them on this and other subjects.
Nov. 6. Went [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] early in morning to [[underlined in red]] Laurence Addicks [[/underlined in red]] to give him the information I had gathered so as to let him act accordingly.  [[margin, red pencil]] !!! [[/margin, red pencil]] This morning met [[underlined in red]] Paul Warburg [[/underlined in red]] (At the entrance of Hotel Gotham where I met him)
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(of [[underlined in red]] Federal Reserve bank [[/underlined in red]] and former member of Kuhn Loeb & Co bankers and whose brother is the banking house Warburg in [[strikethrough]] Franke [[/strikethrough]] Hamburg). and [[underlined in red]] he is so sure that the war will be over before the winter that he [[margin, red pencil]] !!! [[/margin, red pencil]] tells me he is willing to bet me twenty to one. Nevertheless [[/underlined in red]] the Kaiser does not seem to be inclined to abdicate and the [[underlined in red]] militaristic element in Germany tries to hold us. [[/underlined in red]] But our troops are advancing steadily. [[underlined in red]] Are now within seven miles of Sedan. [[/underlined in red]] 
This evening at University Club I discussed with [[underlined in red]] Thurber [[/underlined in red]] (of the telephone Co.) their problems of competent operators. He says it take [[underlined in red]] one to two ^months [[strikethrough]] mouths [[?]] [[strikethrough]] to [[underlined in red]] train a girl. and she must be young enough to be adaptable [[/underlined in red]] then she keeps on improving