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a scene all [[strikethrough]] satin an [[/strikethrough]] pink satin and gold in the time of Louis XV. [[red underline]] seems childish to us. [[/red underline]]
For the last days I have repeatedly cabled to [[red underline]] George to find out how he was [[/red underline]].  We had some anxiety whether the last days had injured him in the conflict. [[red underline]] To night a welcome message signed both by him and Townsend from London that they are both well.  Makes us feel the sadder for what is happening at our home in Yonkers. [[/red underline]]
Nov 14. This is my 55th Birthday. We hear [[red underline]] Katie had a very bad night. [[/red underline]]  Celine went to Yonkers. Says there is [[red underline]] no hope for Katie. [[/red underline]]  Feel both much depressed.  We went to theater to forget our sadness. "Three faces East" a German Spy play.
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Went to [[red underline]] Columbia [[/red underline]] in morning.  Lunch with [[red underline]] Jackson and Pupin at Faculty Club.  Revolution in German thus far orderly. [[/red underline]]
Nov 15. Celine went to Yonkers says [[red underline]] Katie dying [[red underline]] cannot live another day. From five who had influenza two deaths!
At noon met Jerome Alexander to discuss affairs of Societé Chimie Industrielle.
[[red underline]] Seems more trouble brewing in Europe. [[/red underline]]
Evening left for Washington
Train = 7.71     + hotel & meals
Berth = 2.00
        9.71 x 2 = 19.42 return
Nov 16  Meeting Naval Consulting Board Saw [[red underline]] Nina busy (in her Uniform) typewriting
[[/red underline]]
General tendency of Naval Board is: [[red underline]] shall we still meet?  Daniels says there is no reason [[/red underline]]