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Nov 22.  Went to Yonkers told to [[red underline]] Gothelf [[red underline]]to make some new preparations of [[red underline]] transparent material [[/red underline]] so as to determine further [[red underline]] keeping qualities. [[/red underline]] Also make large number pipe bits tests [[strikethrough]] pincer two [[/strikethrough]] pieces [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] of Solid A 0 + 20% [[red underline]] phenyl [[/red underline]] -- and [[red underline]] cresyl phosphate [[/red underline]] also other solvents for instance [[red underline]] terpinhydrate  House looks gloomy and cheerless, Celine [[/red underline]] also around there, had lunch together. Miss Evans there. dictated belated correspondence [[red underline]] "Keep the home-fires burning in this song! -- Barr's men are repairing our [[strikethrough]] furnace [[/strikethrough]] boiler so [[/red underline]] as to have the house cheerful looking when [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] comes back
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We expect to hear that he may come back among the first. Papers say [[red underline]] Aviators [[/red underline]] will be sent back within the next week or two.
Evening [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and I went to see a war play. "Under orders." [[strikethrough]] I took her [[/strikethrough]] We walked together from Gotham Hotel to Eltinge Theatre. (42d street) near 6th Ave. crossing while we are trying to board a surface car. [[strikethrough]] Nina [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Celine was struck on the calf of her leg by a passing motorcar. [[/red underline]] I got [[red underline]] much frightened when [[/red underline]] I saw her lie down. until we saw that [[red underline]] her injuries altho' very painful were not of a serious nature. [[/red underline]] We took a taxicab and drove to the theatre.