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at the feeling that he soon will be back.
Nov 25 [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] out of bed. Limps somewhat but Albert motored her to Yonkers Since some days I [[underlined in red]] do not feel [[/underlined in red]] well. [[underlined in red]] Pressure in the head and unable to concentrate my mind; even reading tires me [[/underlined in red]]
To night  6 [[underlined]] 15 [[/underlined]] P.M went to call on [[underlined in red]] Professor Van der Stricht [[/underlined in red]] of the University of Ghent who fled from Belgium two years ago and is returning now to Ghent. He is [[underlined in red]] beaming with delight. [[/underlined in red]] He was a well do do man and left his comfortable home and wine cellars in Ghent in the hands of the Germans. I asked him whether he was short of money at which he showed me a big roll of american banknotes [[underlined in red]] which he had been able to save during those [[/underlined in red]]
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last two years from his meagre salary (he had [[underlined in red]] 75$ a month [[/underlined in red]] at North Western University in Cleveland O. and I suppose he had little more than this in Johns Hopkins Medical School. Treated him for supper at Mouquins He [[underlined in red]] still has the habit of eating from his knife! [[/underlined in red]]
At the Prince George Hotel where he stays I saw many [[underlined in red]] american [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] foreign uniforms [[/underlined in red]] also many [[underlined in red]] american girls [[/underlined in red]] in [[underlined in red]] U.S. Signal Service [[/underlined in red]] uniform trim, practical and becoming
Nov 26. Went to [[underlined in red]] Columbia [[/underlined in red]] to [[underlined in red]] lecture [[/underlined in red]] 3 - 4 [[underlined]] 30 [[/underlined]] on the manufacture of [[underlined in red]] chloride of Lime [[/underlined in red]] our students [[underlined in red]] are earnest, attentive [[/underlined in red]] and make excellent impressions This is a beautiful crisp day. Boys in uniform everywhere, some drilling. But