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squalls. [[strikethrough]] We collect [[/strikethrough]] Afterwards anchored [[underlined in red]] opposite Deerey's [[/underlined in red]] in middle of the Bay and started fishing and caught about thirty Grunts plenty enough for providing us with food for a couple of days In the mean time the sun was shining and my wet clothes had a chance to dry Anchored towards evenig before Club House. and wrote letter to [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] and to [[underlined in red]] Celine. [[/underlined in red]]
Jan 18. A very quiet calm night. This morning not so simple on the water. Went to steamship channel near Cape Florida anchored there and 
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caught endless amounts of Grunts as fast as we could put bait on. - ground fishes Excellent meal, returned before sunset to anchorage before Club and had a fish - stew for supper just as excellent. Albert out to night to secure [[underlined in red]] ticket for Thursday or [[/underlined in red]] or Friday. Wrote a letter to [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Cornelia. [[/underlined in red]] Placid water at night. Concert near by, under the Coco-nut palms. Since we have the new brush on the magneto and are more careful about not to use excess of oil our engine runs much better. Got in another 30 gallons of gasolene to day. This ought to supply us for the remaining