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Jan. 25 Light frost at Richmond but bright sunny weather and mild temperature. An enormous concrete bridge under construction [[underlined in red]] Washington [[/underlined in red]] station seemed rather quiet and peaceful as compared to its hectic activity just one year ago. 
The train arrived on time in New York early evening.
Drove to University Club. [[underlined in red]] Notice all uniforms have disappeared. [[/underlined in red]] Those who wore them have donned [[underlined in red]] civilian clothing [[/underlined in red]] and are again drinking cocktails and seem pleased they are out of uniform. Some old fogies are kicking and criticizing [[underlined in red]] Wilson [[/underlined in red]] for

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[[underlined in red]] everything he does and anything he omits to do. [[/underlined in red]] 
Took 9.30P.M train home. 
Celine and [[underlined in red]] Nina [[/underlined in red]] there. Tell me all events of [[underlined in red]] George's [[/underlined in red]] wedding and that he got my telegram [[underlined in red]] in time and was so pleased. [[/underlined in red]]

Jan 26. (Sunday) 
Beautiful mild day. Read [[underlined in red]] set of [[/underlined in red]] letters of [[underlined in red]] George and Tess [[/underlined in red]] which they sent while on their trip then in that [[underlined in red]] mining camp Golden Col. [[/underlined in red]] where his new school of mines is. They [[underlined in red]] both seem supremely happy, [[/underlined in red]] much preoccupied with furnishing the house they rented there. [[underlined in red]] Their letters are charming to read. [[/underlined in red]] This is just what he dreamt off. - The West. a mining camp etc. 
I [[underlined in red]] feel very happy to [[/underlined in red]] to [[underlined in red]] follow all this. I only fear [[/underlined in red]]