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can do [[underline red]] this better right in Columbia but advise [[/underline red]] against it because it [[underline red]] will not accelerate [[/underline red]] work but [[underline red]] slower it [[/underline red]] and will greatly restrict their independence and directives of action the only advantage is that they may save a couple of thousands.
Spent evening with [[underline red]] Sarton [[/underline red]].
Jan 31. Albert took me home after lunch in the Hudson. Spent all afternoon dictating. [[underline red]] Mr Lasher and his wife [[/underline red]] here for supper. She is a [[underline red]] loud and continuous talker very stubborn [[/underline red]] in her views.
February 1 (1919 Got another of [[underline red]] George's [[/underline red]] happy letters. Says he is chopping lignite and 
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mastering the intricacies of the [[underline red]] home furnace [[/underline red]] or the kitchen stove.  
At lunch drove to University Club to listen to  [[underline red]] Dr. Lambert [[/underline red]] who speaks about his experience as Colonel in the A.E.F with the Red Cross. Well attended lecture.
Evening went to monthly meeting of Century Club. [[underline red]] Elihu Root [[/underline red]] presiding.  Albert should have called for me at 10:30 P.M. but as the did not ask it was midnight and they had to call for [[underline red]] Nina [[/underline red]] who was waiting at 116 St. Feel tired and disgusted and cold.
Feb 2 (Sunday) Lieutenant George Denicker his wife and child here for lunch. Do not feel well. During the night feel as
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