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[[red underline]] Bravo for Taft and shame on those cowardly filibusters like Sherman, La Folette and Lodge and Knox [[/red underline]] who in order to vent their political spite and thwart [[red underline]] Wilson [[/red underline]] have upheld in the most rascally and selfish ways the many bills and appropriations needed for the sane and economical conduct of our country. Their selfishness reminds me of [[red underline]] Nero playing the violin while Rome burned. I must see part of Wilson's [[/red underline]] speech. What [[red underline]] Wilson [[/red underline]] does not say it that [[red underline]] future wars will be so incomparably more cruel and hopeless butcheries [[/red underline]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[part of an article pasted into journal as follows]]
And I am amazed - not alarmed, but amazed - that there should be in some quarters such a comprehensive ignorance of the state of the world. These gentlemen do not know what the mind of men is just now. Everybody else does. I do not know where they have been closeted. I do not know by what influences they have been blinded; but I do know that they have been separated from the general currents of the thought of mankind.
And I want to utter this solemn warning, not in the way of a threat; the forces of the world do not threaten, they operate. The great tides of the world do not give notice that they are going to rise and run; they rise in their majesty and overwhelming might and those who stand in the way are overwhelmed. Now the heart of the world is awake, ad the heart of the world must be satisfied. Do not let yourselves suppose for a moment that the uneasiness in populations of Europe is due entirely to economic causes or economic motives; something very much deeper underlies it all than that. They see that their Governments have never been able to defend them against intrigue or aggression, and that there is no force of foresight or of prudence in any modern Cabinet to stop war. And therefore they say, "There must be some fundamental cause for this," and the fundamental cause they are beginning to perceive to be that nations have stood singly or in little jealous groups against each other, fostering prejudice, increasing the danger of war rather than concerting measures to prevent it; and that if there is right in the world, if there is justice in the world, there is no reason why nations should be divided in the support of justice.
They are therefore saying if you really believe that
[[end of article obscured by clipping which has been folded up to fit in journal.]]  [[Reverse side of turned up page with an apparently different article writen upside down]] fore, but there was not the formal military guard drawn up at present arms and military staging.
None of the stir and excitement which marked the former trip was evident at the pier.  After the party board the transport, the gangplanks from the main deck were removed, leaving only one connection with the [[/turned up newspaper page]]