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March 10. [[red underline]] Albert [[/red underline]] started [[strikethrough]] out [[/strikethrough]] early to readjust [[red underline]] engine trouble, [[/red underline]] I went out to town to buy supplies It is very warm. and town is as insipid as ever. Listened to concert etc etc. then came again on board. Ventured to try again. Got [[red underline]] boat out of Miami River into the Bay there [[/red underline]] anchored West of Matheson's new Moorish house ^[[on his Island]] and for first time had something else than Pilkington's Yard or Royal Palm Hotel. Nice breeze and no mosquitoes altho' wind kept us dancing but this is a trifle A very pleasant night.
March 11. [[red underline]] Left for Cape Florida [[/red underline]] A swim and loitering about beach [[strikethrough]] In the 
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mean time [[/strikethrough]] Then hunting for [[red underline]] stone crabs [[/red underline]] tramping thru coral reefs. bare at low tide. No success. More successful in catching endless grunts and a few groupers while anchoring in channel off [[red underline]] Cape Florida [[/red underline]] Afternoon moved away South [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] an anchored on [[Slotted?]] beacon just South of [[red underline]] Featherbed [[/red underline]] Banks passage. glad to be out of engine troubles and mosquitoes. This day seems to look like a vacation
March 12. Last night wind shifted suddenly to N.E. and kept blowing ever since but our anchor kept well. At about 7:30A.M we left Southerly course. a very brisk N.E. blowing. Engine works much better caught several fish, sword - mackerell