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[[Lizard?]] etc. then later in [[red underline]] large grouper [[/red underline]] so we are well provided Anchored in [[red underline]] Bootle's Bay [[/red underline]] scene of our [[strikethrough]] stran [[/strikethrough]] troubles in stranding in January. Kept clear out of reef on [[red underline]] Hammer [[/red underline]] Point shore this time. In the mean time a violent N.E. which keeps anchor chain strained. Albert went ashore in dinghy and had a hard time of it.
[[strikethrough]] Shi [[/strikethrough]] About one hour after wards he came back accompanied by [[red underline]] Sawyer, Albury and Williams [[/red underline]] the three men who had helped me float the [[red underline]] Cygnet [[/red underline]] in January. They all [[red underline]] were glad to see [[/red underline]] me and so was I. They will
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come back to morrow morning to decide who of the three will [[red underline]] act as my guide [[/red underline]] from here to [[red underline]] Key West [[/red underline]]
March 13. Wind shifted to East during the night and abated somewhat. Rain squalls once in awhile. But towards morning weather cleared and became sunny. Waited until 9:00AM for the men to show up. Cannot imagine why they do not keep their promise. Begin to suspect that they were scared because it is the 13th of the month. So we proceeded along following chart and directions of pilot guide. Strong Eastern wind keeps us rolling. At 12 M. just after passing [[red underline]] Bowleg [[/red underline]] cut we decided to anchor in the open so as to prepare some lunch as we have had no time for anything but an orange