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skin. They had no teeth yet and were connected by [[strike]]are [[/strike]] ^[[a jelly like]] [[red underline]] ombelical [[/red underline]] chord to a [[red underline]] placenta-like [[/red underline]] mass or egg. [[strikethrough]] The ment [[/strikethrough]] Their [[red underline]] eyes [[/red underline]] as well as that of the mother shark have a special ^[[gray]] [[red underline]] greenish opalescent lustre [[/red underline]] very pretty. Look like a precious stone. We cut away some of the teeth for souvenirs also some of the skin. The meat look [[strikethrough]] very [[/strikethrough]] white slightly pinkish. We decide to get a slice of it so as to broil it and see how it tastes at lunch.
Went to the [[red underline]] Turtle [[/red underline]] Crawl all the [[red underline]] turtles [[/red underline]] seem gone and the place is abandoned. Found some remains of a wrecked air plane from the
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nearby naval aviation station. Lifted anchor about  9:30 and proceeded in heavy wind to [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Key West [[/red underline]] In Channel reveal government ships and submarine chasers and Sea-scouts anchored and dancing in the gale. Also two destroyers. Finally found shelter in a comfortable dock along the R.R. wharves. Wind still blowing a gale.
My "savage" remains aboard. He asks me a book to read. I  give him "Mr. Brittling" for want of any other choice. and make him a present of it. Also the book of [[strikethrough]] Wilson [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Woodrow Wilson [[/red underline]] "On [[strike]] hou [[/strike]] being human." My savage starts reading. Mr Brittling aloud and stops once in a while to rest.