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civilian life, and "getting back to his old job".
Hired an automobile at $2 an hour to drive around. Driver was an intelligent young man looks like a Cuban but speaks perfect American-English.
At about 5 P.M returned aboard to write letter to [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] and sent Albert ashore to post it. Got first newspaper since about a week. 
Sent a telegram to [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] The "savage" slept aboard to night [[underlined in red]] in the cock pit. [[/underlined in red]] He says weather will change within 24 hours.
March 17. Up early. Savage went ashore after break-
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fast. may show up to morrow morning to take trip back aboard instead of by train.
Got gasoline and ice aboard at Currey's dock. Then drinking water. Went to Post Office found letter of introduction of [[underlined in red]] Admiral Smith to [[/underlined in red]] Admiral Fletcher [[/underlined in red]] commander of this Station. Smith tells me [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] was in Washington but has gone to [[underlined in red]] Colorado. [[/underlined in red]]
After got telegram from Miss Evans telling me Insulate ^[[patent]] suit still set for 31 March and Neave and Townsend conference on March 26.
Albert sent out to buy a [[underlined in red]] turtle [[/underlined in red]] comes back with abundance of fresh [[underlined in red]] turtle meat. [[/underlined in red]]