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This morning visited Mr. [[underlined in red]] Boyer [[/underlined in red]] director of [[underlined in red]] Weather Bureau [[/underlined in red]] Station tells me wind will clear up within 36 hours. Mare tails in the sky. Soup wind will probably moderate and be South Easterly or Southerly.
[[strikethrough]] Went out with [[/strikethrough]] Ran boat out the channel and to fair way light to test her. stood sea very well. but it is [[underlined in red]] still pretty rough. [[/underlined in red]] Then came back. Shortly afterwards [[underlined in red]] Albert [[/underlined in red]] brought me a telegram signed by Miss Evans telling me that there [[underlined in red]] is a meeting on Nov [[strikethrough]] reb [[/strikethrough]] 26. at Neave's office with Townsend and that I am expected there, [[/underlined in red]] also that a cablegram from
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[[underlined in red]] Count de La Valette [[/underlined in red]] is waiting for me at Miami Albert later on comes with excellent [[underlined in red]] turtle meat [[/underlined in red]] from a [[underlined in red]] turtle [[/underlined in red]] just killed at turtle market. Made us an excellent supper of [[underlined in red]] turtle steak. [[/underlined in red]]
March 18. During the night wind shifted to South so we prepared early to go North but heavy rain squalls and shifting winds made up postpone until about 9. A. M. In the mean time our [[underlined in red]] "savage" [[/underlined in red]] was hailing us from the dock. He had a new pair of Palm Beach trousers, his [[underlined in red]] hair was cut, [[/underlined in red]] and he had a new proper valise and seemed on his "Sunday-best" We left [[underlined in red]] took Hawks Channel [[/underlined in red]] and proceeded nicely until near [[underlined in red]] Saddlebunch keys [[/underlined in red]] our [[underlined in red]] engine balked [[/underlined in red]] and refused to proceed. [[underlined in red]] Dropped anchor [[/underlined in red]] in