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G. B co
[[underlined]] 185 [[/underlined]]
March 24. Up early. [[underlined in red]] Conference [[/underlined in red]] with [[underlined in red]] Neave, Townsend [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Davis [[/underlined in red]] at [[underlined in red]] Neave's [[/underlined in red]] office outlining plan of [[underlined in red]] General Insulate Infringement [[/underlined in red]] suit. Townsend presents his diagrams or his "golf course" as we call it. [[underlined in red]] All seem confident of winning this suit. [[/underlined in red]]
Afternoon [[underlined in red]] soldiers of Seventh Regiment march thru Fifth Ave. [[/underlined in red]] A [[underlined in red]] splendid set of sturdy looking men, marching well in full equipment. Earnest looking lads. 60% of Seventh [[/underlined in red]] [[margin]] !! [[/margin]] Regiment [[underlined in red]] have been lost [[/underlined in red]] and had to [[underlined in red]] be replaced. in Europe. [[/underlined in red]] Evening supper with Townsend then met [[underlined in red]] Mali [[/underlined in red]] and Professor [[underlined in red]] Nerinx of University of Louvain with [[/underlined in red]] whom 
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talked till near midnight. [[underlined in red]] Nerinex [[/underlined in red]] confirms state of [[underlined in red]] demoralization [[/underlined in red]] in Belgium due [[underlined in red]] to workmen [[/underlined in red]] who for four years have [[underlined in red]] been idle and have lost all ambition to work. [[/underlined in red]]
March. 25. Beautiful sunny day The [[underlined in red]] 27th division will make its entry to day. [[/underlined in red]] General [[underlined in red]] air of festivity. [[/underlined in red]] Fifth Ave has [[underlined in red]] arches, flags and [[/underlined in red]] is decorated in their honor. [[underlined in red]] A splendid parade. Those erect martial looking men. with their bannerlike looking [[/underlined in red]] Kaki uniform, french helmets [[margin, red pencil]] !! [[/margin, red pencil]] which [[underlined in red]] remind the ancient Greek Helmet, [[/underlined in red]] their bronzed [[underlined in red]] rugged, serious determined [[/underlined in red]] faces, remind us of a Greek pageant. No [[underlined in red]] wonder those who knows say that [[/underlined in red]] our soldiers are a finer set