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May etc. then rushed to court. [[red underline]] Redman testified all day.  Things are going well he is now adroitly prevaricating [[/red underline]] and the man whom I imagined a candid witness a few days ago [[red underline]] proves a liar and I now doubt as to all his testimony about the way he runs his manufacturing. [[/red underline]] All this will give us a chance to show him up. [[red underline]] Things look more pleasant and hopeful to day. [[/red underline]] Neave is in Philadelphia. [[red underline]] May Swan Rossi and Muller [[/red underline]] in court to listen and see the samples. I have conceived an im-

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[[red underline]] proved way [[/red underline]] of making C2O and lightproof material and wrote a letter of directions to Gothelf which I first let read to Rossi. They made Bakelite in court and I took a sample of the A for future use. [[red underline]] I feel very hopeful again to day. [[/ red underline]] Left court at 5 P.M. then went to confer with Toch at his house relative solubility of resins etc.  Busy in my room at the Club till [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] 11 P.M. studying and calculating testimony.  [[strikethrough]] Up at 4 [[/strikethrough]]
April 7. Up at [[red underline]] 4 A.M. studying testimony of Redman [[/red underline]] then to Neave's office at 9:30 A.M. Then to