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Hands me over his letter and prospect of byelaws of a French Company. tells me [[red underline]] LaRoche [[/red underline]] is in it etc. and that [[red underline]] Dr. la Ketulle [[/red underline]] is their head - [[underline]] chemist [[/underline]] which rather astonishes me because the latter I supposed to be an [[red underline]] electrical engineer - I do not want to become a tool [[/red underline]] for French promoters Told him I do not want to be a director of their company nor even lend my personal name. the [[red underline]] count seems a rather [[red underline]] nervous and a accentuated [[/red underline]] man. Says he is a founder of the [[red underline]] Automobile Club [[/red underline]] in Paris. has been in Madagascar etc is an old Yachts man. has a 
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license as pilot etc. knows [[red underline]] Lundet. He is somewhat too full of [[strikethrough]] elog [[/strikethrough]] praise for me to suit me. I am getting on my guard and will [[/red underline]] act cautiously. I do not want any money. [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] nor anything [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] and do [[red underline]] not desire to lend my name [[/red underline]] to an enterprise unless I know the personalities behind. The count probably is a nice and enthusiastic fellow but he is so accentuated and likes to start a discourse on any subject that this startles somewhat the average man of affairs.
Afterwards took him to [[red underline]] Columbia University [[/red underline]] club for supper. 
This morning a french Engineer formerly [[red underline]] Captain Auralar [[/red underline]] came to see me on behalf of a [[red underline]] varnish concern in France [[/red underline]]