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June 28. A busy morning then aboard the [[underlined in red]] Ion. [[/underlined in red]] after lunch Very windy. Albert arranged clutch & dynamo.
June 29. (Sunday) A beautiful cool and bright day. Took [[underlined in red]] Sarton  [[/underlined in red]] aboard [[underlined in red]] Ion [[/underlined in red]] then in dinghy went with him along Palisades to Sneden's Landing. Then motor stopped finally managed by rowing to get as far as [[underlined in red]] Palisade [[/underlined in red]] Boat Club where telephoned for our motor car and got back in time for lunch. 
Afternoon went all for cold supper aboard [[underlined in red]] Jeryh & his wife, Sarton [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] his daughter. [[/underlined in red]] Celine and Nina.
June 30. Same beautiful weather Mrs. Sarton arrived this
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morning. Went to University Club for supper. [[underlined in red]] This is last day before the country goes dry. [[/underlined in red]] Major Hough has last 3 bottles of Champagne with Dr. Hutchinson in betting that [[underlined in red]] the Kaiser would commit suicide before the treaty of peace is signed. [[/underlined in red]] That irritating man [[underlined in red]] Robinson [[/underlined in red]] is again [[underlined in red]] under the influence [[/underlined in red]] of liquor at the Club. I shun the man as much as I can but he persists in taking familiar airs. As I had my car with me he asked whether he could drive home with me which I did. But he became more and more unpleasant in his talk running down everybody except himself then when I remonstrated he used insulting language I told him that for the son of a
[[margin, written vertically]] X Yonkers lawyer [[/margin, written vertically]]