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Pier Head of Atlantic Highlands about 1/4 mile from shore Excellent supper. steak and potatoes for all. Calm pleasant night
Sept 14 (Sunday) Up at 6. Beautiful weather. Went to little [[underlined in red]] Bay on Sandy Hook to dig soft [[/underlined in red]] shell clams then went fishing over Flynn Knoll near Sandy Hook caught four good sized fish then went in ocean around Light - ship and back thru Ambrose Channel. Splendid weather everything went well Passed thru Hudson in dark and anchored opposite Fort Lee at about 9.P.M. Felt rather tired over long and difficult steering. A late supper soup and fish and then to bed. [[underlined in red]] James [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Lewis [/[underlined in red]] have proved
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very helpful and reliable
Sept 15. Left for Yonkers at about 7 P.M. while breakfast was being prepared. Rainy weather Townsend off at Ludlow while we took in 30 gals gasoline and water. Blake left at anchorage I left for lunch at Snug Rock
[[strikethrough]] Sept 16. [[strikethrough]] Walter S Paulson of the [[underlined in red]] Mutual Life Insurance [[/underlined in red]] Co came here to hand me two cheques about [[underlined in red]] $5000 [[/underlined in red]] in all as dividend on my two insurance policies. He also told me two smaller cheques are still due to me.
Sept 16. Busy here all morning Afternoon went to meet [[underlined in red]] E. H. Hooker [[/underlined in red]] by appointment [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] at Columbia University Club. [[underlined in red]] As usually he runs half an hour late. Ad[[?]] [[/underlined in red]] against his [[underlined in red]] Nitro - purchase [[/underlined in red]] project on the ground that it
[[margin, written vertically]] Factories at Nitro [[/margin, written vertically]]