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of our passengers there. Notwithstanding the squalor of the place everything went on very decorously Concluded not to risk eating any meal in a rather dubiously clean place when a hospitable clean ship was anchored near by So got rowed aboard the Santa Luisa for lunch. Yesterday had entered several new passengers amongst which was one of a rather Spanish looking type, smooth shaven about 30 - 35 years old but characterized by an ugly deep scar, a sort of pit right above his right eye-brow. I first imagined that he got it in one of the many revolutions here as it looked like a bullet wound. and 
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I wondered how the bullet got out thru his brain. To day I am told that this man is one of the picadores of the group of Bull - fighters who made a reservation in South American and whose late performance was in Lima. Forecito the famous Spanish Bull-fighter is at their head and is aboard for Santiago on his way to Spain. They are about half a dozen all of decidedly Spanish type but physically better looking than the average Spaniard I have met They are a quiet lot, keep by themselves. I see them play cards but they are unortentatiores and may compare decidedly favorably with our American Prize