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[[margin, red pencil, written vertically]] Valparaiso [[/margin, red pencil, written vertically]]
and tropical fruit. Also in many places one sees fresh flowers for sale. Here and there a small park diminutive but ^[[very]] well kept [[strikethrough]] in some. [[/strikethrough]] The whole place makes impression of orderliness and what strikes most is that one see [[underlined in red]] very few [[/underlined in red]] of any [[underlined in red]] place where wine or strong drinks are sold. [[/underlined in red]] On the other hand there are some places where coffee, tea, [[strikethrough]] ca [[/strikethrough]] ices, of cakes are sold and where [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] good strong orchestra plays good music [[/underlined in red]] The men and women in [[underlined in red]] the streets are well dressed [[/underlined in red]] and look [[underlined in red]] prosperous, [[/underlined in red]] healthy and [[underlined in red]] sturdy. [[/underlined in red]] Some of the women are decidedly pretty and have a strong [[underlined in red]] robust look. [[/underlined in red]]
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The [[underlined in red]] harbor [[/underlined in red]] itself is [[underlined in red]] badly equipped, [[/underlined in red]] entirely [[underlined in red]] at the mercy of the weather, [[/underlined in red]] in case of Northern or Western storms. [[underlined in red]] Ships do not anchor but tie up fore and aft [[/underlined in red]] to enormous [[strikethrough]] iron [[/strikethrough]] steel cylindrical tanks which are part of a system of buoys. to keep the ships in position. [[strikethrough]] This must be [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] In case of bad weather [[/underlined in red]] this must be quite a job to land passengers [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] or merchandise. 
Went to bed about 8 P.M
Feb 20. Up early. As there was [[underlined in red]] no mirror in the bath room shaved myself in the dark. [[/underlined in red]]but find it works, - with some hesitation. 
Walked to [[underlined in red]] Grace & Co [[/underlined in red]] met Mr. [[underlined in red]] Wightman [[/underlined in red]] a very pleasant and wide awake [[underlined in red]] English [[/underlined in red]] Manager, then Mr [[underlined in red]] Engelhardt [[/underlined in red]] of New York, a [[underlined in red]] Columbia graduate [[/underlined in red]] [[line to Engelhardt]] Iglehardt?