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[[underlined in red]] Weeping willows in abundance [[/underlined in red]] then green fields, flowers pasturage, healthy looking cattle and horses but each succeeding village is an assemblage of the same ill kept, squalid houses one sees so much in these latin countries. Quite a number of [[underlined in red]] Lombardy poplars, [[/underlined in red]] this and the general aspect of houses and land reminds as [[underlined in red]] much of Italy [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] as of California [[/strikethrough]] and of [[underlined in red]] California [[/underlined in red]] except for the [[underlined in red]] general squalor [[/underlined in red]] of the [[underlined in red]] huts and houses. [[/underlined in red]] Sheep appear. The grass is dried out and looks yellow. A [[underlined in red]] cattle keeper on horseback [[/underlined in red]] with his [[underlined in red]] striped pancho [[/underlined in red]] and antique [[underlined in red]] wooden stirrups [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] big spurs [[/underlined in red]] gives local color. [[underlined in red]] A vaquero?
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[[margin, red pencil, written vertically]] Santiago Chile [[/margin, red pencil, written vertically]]
The [[underlined in red]] Andes [[/underlined in red]] loom bigger but the tops of nearby mountains is hidden in a cloud or fog. Now and then a glimpse of far off mountain coated with snow. Train enters a winding road along slopes of hills or mountains with [[[[strikethrough]] brou [[/strikethrough]] brown pudding form rock. covered with yellow dried - out grass mesquite trees and straight branched cacti bearing bloodred flowers. At about noon. we enter a rather shabby conglomeration of houses and [[strikethrough]] fanet [[/strikethrough]] little later at the station [[underlined in red]] of Santiago. [[/underlined in red]] I am driven to the hotel. Streets are clean and houses well built and [[underlined in red]] city makes excellent impression. [[/underlined in red]] To my great delight I obtain a pleasant