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banks and flowers and fruit trees. Many tasteful villas, substantially built, interspersed with smaller ones, or small farms.  Some of the banks neatly covered with cedar plants.  The whole looking more as a continuous garden.  Little Gondola-like rowboats with, light, and well kept, varnished or painted, with neat white awnings as shelter for sun or rain.  No wind no current.  Rowing is just as a parlor game.  Men dressed in white open collared shirts and ditto [[trousers?]], women [[seller?]] rowing or sitting or lying under canopy. [[red underline]] reminds of [[red underline]] Louis XV [[strikethrough]] or Louis [[/strikethrough]] of France days. [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Buenos Aires - El Tigre [[/left margin]]

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Several rowing clubs, Argentinian, Italian and German.  Also Yacht Club. [[red underline]] Yachts are small [[/red underline]] and seem unoccupied, and covered with a white cover seem mostly copied on English or French models.  One or two small yawls, [[red underline]] one small schooner, [[/red underline]] and one [[strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] steam yacht, with a pile of wood on deck as fuel. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] A few [[/strikethrough]] One or two 40'-60' boats seemingly propelled by internal combustion motors. [[strikethrough]] Bouts [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Boats and yachts all well kept brass galore, [[/red underline]] all well [[red underline]] polished [[/red underline]] as if it were in a parlor, but their lines and build, does not seem to indicate that they are [[strikethrough]] intended [[/strikethrough]] or used or intended for long cruises. [[strikethrough]] No one of our real [[/strikethrough]] None of the type of our home-