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tical full or [[red underline]] rivalries of the different Universities which are much under sway of politics. [[/red underline]] Gordon will be in U.S in May
March 17. Finally this morning got telegram [[red underline]] DeMuth [[/red underline]] indicating what code he used. A cloudy rainy day. Up early. getting things in shape Went to [[red underline]] Rosenthal [[/red underline]] to have further talk he tells me trouble originated thru [[red underline]] Foglia [[/red underline]] Here who are the representatives of [[red underline]] Kaufmann Bros in N.Y [[/red underline]] and who spread the news that they had their tubes ready made from the U.S instead of making them here as [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Rodriguez do. [[red underline]] who get raw plates [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Buenos Aires [[/left margin]]
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[[red underline]] from Redmanol and work them up here. [[/red underline]] They said working was dangerous for the workman and exposed them to throat trouble. [[red underline]] Result was that Rodriguez men quit their work for two days. [[/red underline]] Rodriguez even says that Foglia paid [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] ^[[his]] workmen to strike. [[red underline]] Then the false news and distrust spread faster thru the fact that each [[/red underline]] salesman of each competency concern told to their customers that his product was all right but the others dangerous. 
Sent a cable to [[red underline]] Demuth [[/red underline]] for which  paid [[strikethrough]] 17 Dollar [[/strikethrough]] about [[red underline]] 17 Dollars. [[/red underline]] explaining situation. Went to [[red underline]] Grace & Co. [[/red underline]] to deliver all the books I have received so that they may send them

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Previous page ends with poli-